Graphic Design Perth

Bringing your ideas to life with pixel perfect designs.

Logo Design

Your logo follows your business wherever it goes. It is by far, one of your business’s single most valuable assets. Our team of graphic design specialists knows what it takes to create a dynamic and expressive logo.

At Ants Marching, we understand that a well-designed logo is an essential part of any company’s overall marketing strategy as it is the single visual representation that defines an entire business.

We ensure we have a clear idea about the concept and values of the brand as well as an understanding of the business’s target audience, client or customer to ensure that your logo design truly makes an impact on the web and offline.


Your brand’s communication does not just stop at the digital. Print representations of your brand can be just as important. After all, a business card is often the first interaction a potential client will have with your brand. Although it may just be a single rectangle, it can convey a great deal about your brand.

However, your brand’s influence on print doesn’t end there. Letters, envelopes, folders, website design and more are all a direct representation of your brand and your business. Your brand needs a cohesive and consistent message on print; luckily the Ants Marching team is your go to branding specialists.

Marketing Messages

Whether in print or on web design, your brand must find a solution in all marketing messages. From paper selection, color selection, to even outlet selection, each of your brand’s marketing materials must be united.

A strong brand is developed when there is cohesion across all messages and platforms. Ants Marching is dedicated to maximizing your brand’s message, whether in print or code, to the highest standard,

Visual Enhancements

Symbols are the unspoken language of the world. Even if your business operates primarily online, the power of physical visual enhancements cannot be overstated. Environmental graphics from small directional signs to large promotional banners are powerful marketing tools.

However, it is not enough to simply have a sign for your business; you need a sign that is a visual representation of your business. Approaching the placement, design and construction of these from a strategic standpoint is paramount to success.

And like any other application we put our hands to, we obsess over even the smallest of details to ensure an end product that looks amazing.


Successful packaging design must be consistent with your brand and be unique enough to differentiate your product from others in a crowded marketplace. But more than that, great packaging is an experience, the brand touchpoint that a customer physically holds when they are making a final purchasing decision.

How your brand presents your products and services is a crucial part of the customer experience. Our team of graphic design specialists works tirelessly to ensure that this experience is nothing short of exceptional. In fact, our designers follow a calculated design process through research and testing to ensure that the final product is just right.

Don’t focus on closing the sale, focus on starting the relationship with the customer. Let’s get started.