Branding Agency Perth

Did you know that your brand is one of your business’s most valuable assets? Providing the foundations for a trustable, recognizable, and memorable image for your company is crucial to success. A coherent and consistent visual identity  on the web and offline, provides your business the integrity and reputation it needs to stand out in the market given the latest trend.

Branding - MArketing Ants Marching

Positioning Your Brand

When it comes time to create and build your brand, you must first start with a strategy to position your brand. What is positioning? Positioning is the process of researching and identifying current opportunities within the market to determine how your business will best compete. This process involves analyzing your competition and determining what areas are lacking within the current market.

Ultimately, the goal of positioning is to define your brand. How your brand competes and interacts is largely determined by positioning. Ants Marching team of branding agency experts will work with you to establish a one of a kind brand for your business.

Developing a Visual Identity

The power of your brand goes far beyond what meets the eye. The typography, color, materials, graphics, and imagery influence your brand experiences and power. A consistent, well-pitched, and intelligent visual ensures visibility in the market and expresses the values and ambitions of your organisation.

Powerful and memorable graphic applications create touchpoints for stakeholders, employees and customers to identify with and influence their perceptions and actions.

Digital Marketing

Defining your story

What is your brand’s story? Once your brand has been established, it is important to determine what story you want to tell. What message are you trying to convey? Your brand must efficiently communicate your message in a way that resonates with your target audience and maximises value.

Your brand’s tone is an expression of your team and who you are as a company. With the right tone in place you can build brand power, recognition, and influence for your business.

Building brand anatomy

Building the architecture of a brand is the process of establishing the way that brands behave within an organized structure. The key to building brand anatomy is to create a strategy design that brings clarity for stakeholders and maximise value.

As a branding agency, Ants Marching specializes in helping your business develop a cohesive and fully functional brand architecture. We work directly with your business through our proprietary workshop process. During this process, your brand is defined and a strategic direction is established, ensuring that your brand has the foundations for long-term success.

Brand monitoring

After your brand has been established, there is still one thing left to do, monitoring. Implementing a coherent and visual identity provides the foundations for a trusted, professional brand and protects its integrity and reputation within the market.

Which is why we consider Brand Guidelines to be essentials documents for your business. Brand guidelines ensure that your brand identity is correctly applied to all communication materials. However, these guidelines are not static, but rather dynamic. We know your brand is will evolve over time, thus these views are designed to safeguard the authenticity for your brand. In other words, it’s your brand’s bible.

Don’t focus on closing the sale, focus on starting the relationship with the customer. Let’s get started.