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Twitter and Google: the ultimate deal

Twitter and Google together again on the Internet. The two companies have agreed on the deal to insert real-time tweets into Google’s search results by the first semester of 2015.

This significant agreement is similar to a previous one sealed back in 2009 between the two companies. This time, the recently agreed partnership will give Google access to the so-called Twitter’s “firehose”, joining its rivals Yahoo and Bingo which already use Twitter’s data.
The main term of the agreement is the fact that tweets will appear on Google’s search results in real-time. This means that Twitter will extend its visibility on Google search engine through the automatic and direct post of its tweets. By doing this, tweets will be visible to unregistered Twitter users as well.
Apparently, there is no advertising revenue deal in the partnership, but Google will pay Twitter “data-licensing” revenue. This is a revenue-line feature that Twitter increased from $16 million to $41 million in 2014. After this new partnership with Google, there will be more to come.
Furthermore, Twitter already considered to expand the purpose of its advertising through Promoted Tweets on third party apps and sites, starting with Yahoo Japan and Flipboard. The agreement with Google will definitely give a boost to this strategy by showing tweets to unregistered Twitter users.

The partnership will benefit Google too. The colossus has been wanting to expand its presence on mobile devices and in the real-time environment. Sources claimed that Google may not be interested in acquiring Twitter anymore.

This new partnership between social media platform Twitter and Google gives businesses new opportunities for their digital advertising campaigns and their presence online.